Fishing Derby!

(Most recent information is at the top of this page. Older information follows.)




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Cub Scout - Pack 42 Fishing Derby 

June 9, 2012, 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Independence Grove Forest Preserve – Libertyville


Why? To learn about safe fishing, to fish with you friends and to have fun!

What to bring? Your fishing pole and tackle if you have them (if not, we’ll have extra poles and tackle for you to use and share), sunblock and water to drink.  We will provide bait for everyone to use while fishing.

Directions: Once through the Independence Grove entrance gate and guard house, follow the road right and park in the first parking lot on your left (if you get to the Visitor Center parking lot, you went too far).  Look for Cubmaster Hansen and the other Lake Bluff scouts.

Parents, please note that admission is free with a picture ID that proves you are a Lake County resident.  Also, given that we will be fishing with real hooks and near water, please plan on staying at the event with your scout to help keep everyone safe.


Please RSVP to:, if you plan on attending.





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