Pinewood Derby, January 26, 2013

(Most recent information is at the top of this page.  Older information follows.)





photos of competing scouts & photos of record-makers

all 96 photos:

We set-up our new track the night before RaceDay!


From: Patty Kreunen
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 1:22 PM
To: (pack 42)
Subject: Pinewood Derby Snacks and Coffee

Dear Pack 42,

We are planning to have coffee and a light snack for the scouts and families on Saturday morning at the Pinewood Derby. We have a group of great volunteers who will have fresh brewed Starbuck's coffee for the adults, OJ, milk and water for the kids, and donut holes, homemade banana bread, homemade pumpkin muffins, mini bagels & cream cheese, apples, bananas, cheese & crackers and veggies & dip for all.

Please feel free to bring along any other baked goods, fruit or snacks that you would like to share with the Pack.

Also, if you can bring along your own coffee mugs and water bottles for fills and refills, it will help us save a cup or two and teach our Scouts about conservation :)

See you all on Saturday ...

From: Hansen, Clinton P.
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 10:55 AM
To: (pack 42)
Subject: 2013 Pinewood Derby - Race Start Times

Dear Pack 42:

The Derby is upon us and I’ve heard reports that the new track is FAST!!

Please see the start times based on each Scout’s rank (the older boys start earlier) and note that your scout must have his car checked in 15 minutes before these start times to ensure that we can keep to the posted schedule. Please allow time to adjust the weight of your scout’s car as needed.

On that note, the official Pack 42 scale will be calibrated and out for your use on Friday night from roughly 6-7:30 p.m. in the Church basement. Stop by Friday night to assist with the track set up or if you would like to weigh your car in advance of Race Day.

For your convenience, the rules and the updated volunteer list are linked.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday morning.


Clinton P. Hansen



From: Hansen, Clinton P.
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 4:28 PM
To: (pack 42)
Subject: Pack 42 - Pinewood Derby (January 26, 2013)

Dear Pack 42,

Please save the date (January 26, 2013) for our upcoming Pinewood Derby! Also, we would ask that each of you consider volunteering for one of the assignments set forth on the attached list. This is a great event for the Cub Scouts and a great day to be a volunteer. As with everything we do, the more volunteers we have, the smoother the event will run.

When: Saturday, January 26, 2013
Time: 8:00 a.m. – Noon
(race times by Den will follow and will be staggered with the oldest scouts starting at 8:30 a.m.)
Where: Grace Methodist Church Basement

The cars are ready to be picked up, I will have a box outside of my door (starting tomorrow through Sunday, 12/23; then 12/26 until the week before the race) at 400 W. Hawthorne Ct., Lake Bluff (West Terrace area). Please sign the clip board by your name to acknowledge receipt of your car (one car per Scout). We suggest that you do not open the box until you are going to build so you don’t lose any pieces. Parents: Please note that your race car MUST be constructed from the block of wood provided in the kit. Outside ‘frame’ kits available at local hardware stores will be allowed to race but not allowed to win an award.


The BIG NEWS this year is the purchase of a new aluminum track (similar to the one pictured above). After many years of service, the wood track will be retired (perhaps donated to a less fortunate Pack). We expect that this new track will greatly improve our Derby event by ensuring consistent races on all lanes of the track (unlike the old wood track). We are excited and would like to thank Rob North and Piet Kreunen for their efforts to research the best product (and best value) for Pack 42.


For those new to the Derby, we will be hosting a “how to” clinic on Sunday, January 13, 2012 in the Lake Bluff Community Room (in the LB Police Station) from Noon until 4.

Don Russ has graciously agreed to bring a drill press, band saw and axel jig to the event and pass along tips on building a better car (remember his efforts with Kevin produced the winning car last year). Piet and I should also be on hand to assist. There are no NEIC District workshops scheduled this year.

RULES FOR DERBY: See the attached Word document.

Again, please consider volunteering for one of the assignments listed on the following table. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for one of the positions, please contact Piet or me directly.

We look forward to seeing you at the Derby.

Happy Holidays.
Clint Hansen
Pack 42 Cub Master
Lake Bluff, Illinois


Two weeks ago we had a workshop.

One week ago we had a pre-race.


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